What is GUVIST Working On 2024?

To learn more about a partner or to join this work,
please contact Cara Baskin, GUVIST Integration Catalyst GUVISTCatalyst@gmail.com

Early Childhood Service Delivery Integration Network (ECSDI)

The Early Childhood Service Delivery Integration Network (ECSDI) evolved out of the need to reduce fragmented systems of care in the early childhood sector. This fragmentation undermines the ability to deliver effective and coordinated care, which may prevent families from accessing services, perpetuating or worsening adverse outcomes. Following a Family Network Analysis project, conducted to better understand the lived experience of families with young children (less than 5 years old) accessing social services in the Upper Valley, data uncovered specific needs and issues with the system, forming the foundation for an integration aim. The partner organizations below meet regularly to develop trust within the network, and strategic tasks to improve service delivery in this sector.

Link to the Early Childhood Service Delivery Integration Network DashboardGreater Upper Valley Integrated Services Team Early Childhood Service Delivery Integration Network October 2023

The Problem & Opportunity

In 2021, eight Upper Valley residents with young children were interviewed about their experiences with social service agencies and providers to help us understand:

Link to the PDF Report

ECSDI aims to join with organizations in the intentional development and implementation of practices to ensure that families encounter systems that are and feel respectful, helpful, accessible and easy to navigate. We aim to improve coordination of services to foster partnership with the support needed to promote healthy families.

  • Early Care and Education Association
  • Building Bright Futures
  • Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center
  • Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital
  • Monadnock United Way, Early Childhood Region 1
  • Capstone Community Action
  • WRJ Department of Health
  • Southeastern Vermont Community Action
  • South Royalton Health Care
  • Dartmouth Health
  • Waypoint Family Resource Center
  • The Family Place
  • Couch Family Foundation
  • TLC, Orange County, Springfield Parent Child Centers
  • Vital Communities

GUVIST Early Childhood Service Delivery Integration Network

The provider has been understanding, she reaches out, she has been on top of things…when there are people in my corner that aren’t going to judge me I go with them.” – Parent, Upper Valley

Strengthening Families Network (SFN)

The purpose of the Strengthening Families Network (SFN) is to evolve, regionalize, and sustain strategies that increase social connectedness in families with young children. Service delivery integration will improve coordination, reduce duplication of services, increase equity and accessibility, keep contributing agencies accountable and aid in the development of quality standards. Focusing on these system changes will allow for the sustainability of access to high-quality early childhood experiences and skill development opportunities, through parenting and play in Circle of Security facilitator groups and Playgroups.

(In development)

(In development)

  • The Family Place
  • Moonrise Therapeutics
  • Springfield Area Parent Child Center
  • TLC
  • Dartmouth Health
  • Moms in Recovery
  • Kearsarge School District
  • Waypoint
  • Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center
  • Orange County Parent Child Center
  • Artistree

Stregthening Families Network Logo

Lead Prevention Network

The Lead Prevention Network is an interdisciplinary team coordinating prevention, testing, reporting and management related to lead poisoning. Their collective action will improve lead testing rates for 1& 2 year olds to meet evidence based standards and streamline reporting practices across the NH/VT border to ensure accurate registries, allowing for data-informed decisions to be made about management for positives and education and prevention efforts.

(In development)

(In development)

  • Little Rivers Health Care
  • Gifford Health Care
  • Upper Valley Pediatrics
  • South Royalton Health Center
  • White River Family Practice
  • Ottauquechee Health Center
  • Vermont Department of Health
  • Visiting Nurse and Hospice for VT & NH
  • Belknap-Merrimack Community Action
  • VT Area Health Education Center (AHEC)
  • VT Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP)
  • Public Health Council of the Upper Valley
  • VT WI
  • VT Healthy Homes

Cardiovascular Disease and Social Drivers of Health

The Cardiovascular Disease and Social Drivers of Health network integrates clinical and community resources to better care for populations at risk of cardiovascular disease. Strategies to identify social drivers of health, develop clinical-community networks and build capacity will mitigate clinical needs by addressing social needs, creating system wide transformation that advances health equity and holistic care.

(In development)

(In development)

  • Little Rivers Health Care
  • Gifford Health Care
  • Vermont Department of Health