What is GUVIST Working On?
The Early Childhood Service Delivery Integration Network (ECSDI) evolved out of the need to reduce fragmented systems of care in the early childhood sector. This fragmentation undermines the ability to deliver effective and coordinated care, which may prevent families from accessing services, perpetuating or worsening adverse outcomes. Following a Family Network Analysis project, conducted to better understand the lived experience of families with young children (less than 5 years old) accessing social services in the Upper Valley, data uncovered specific needs and issues with the system, forming the foundation for an integration aim. The partner organizations below meet regularly to develop trust within the network, and strategic tasks to improve service delivery in this sector.
To learn more about ECSDI, the Family Network Analysis or to join this work,
please contact Cara Baskin, GUVIST Integration Catalyst GUVISTCatalyst@gmail.com