Our Mission is to improve the health of Upper Valley residents through shared public health initiatives and services within a network of community stakeholders.
Email: info@uvpublichealth.org
Or Call: 603.523.7100
One Court Street, #365
Lebanon, NH 03766
PHC is Hiring: Part-Time Business Administrator
/by Alice ElyThe Public Health Council of the Upper Valley (PHC) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit coalition of health and human services organizations that works to improve community health by promoting collaboration, advocating for policies and practices that support health, and providing education to partners and community members on priority health concerns. PHC has an office in Lebanon […]
Dartmouth Health Youth Vaping Education and Resources Toolkit Released
/by Alice ElyDartmouth Health and the All Together Coalition recently released a toolkit to help anyone interested in supporting teen vaping prevention, education and cessation with evidence-based resources and information: Dartmouth Health Youth Vaping Education and Resources Toolkit Electronic cigarettes or “vapes” are electronic devices that heat liquid (usually containing nicotine, flavoring, and chemicals) that produces an […]
Lebanon Library Partners for Opioid Overdose Prevention
/by Alice ElyThis article first appeared in the Lebanon Times, Winter/Spring 2023 edition (www.thelebanontimes.com). Reprinted with permission. Opioid Overdose Prevention partnership between Dartmouth-Health and Lebanon Public Libraries, By Charlotte Atkinson Here in the Upper Valley, we are very lucky to have access to a wide range of resources, especially those that are found in unexpected places. The […]
Support for Kinship Caregivers
/by Alice ElyMany lives have been devastated as the opioid crisis has created ripple effects through communities and families. Many parents and family members of people affected by addiction have altered their lives to care for their loved-one’s children. We refer to these people as Kinship Caregivers. Various resources are available to support these Kinship Caregivers as […]
Announcing New Position: Integration Catalyst for GUVIST
/by Alice ElyMarch 2023 Update: We are pleased to report we have filled this position. Please read on to learn more about this new role. The Public Health Council has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement to serve as Fiscal Sponsor for the Greater Upper Valley Integrated Services Team and will be the employer of record for […]
It’s Here! Upper Valley Project Funding to Address Health Inequities
/by Alice ElyThe first round of projects under the Upper Valley Community Health Equity Partnership have been selected. In October 2022, the Upper Valley Community Health Equity Partnership (UVCHEP) sought proposals from local entities in the White River Junction District of the VT Department of Health who seek to reduce health disparities the UVCHEP Steering Committee has described […]
2022 Community Flu Vaccine Clinics
/by Alice ElyEach fall, partner organizations across the Upper Valley come together to provide seasonal flu vaccine to our community members. This year is no exception. While the COVID-19 pandemic still impacts our communities, protecting people from seasonal flu illness is very important. Many experts predict we will see significant flu transmission this season. There are numerous […]