Recent News and Updates

Finding a Path to Affordable Prescription Medications

The Public Health Council, in partnership with Dartmouth Hitchcock and Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital are excited to announce the availability of “Finding a Path to Affordable Prescription Medications: A Resource Guide.” This tool will help individuals and their trusted health advocates develop a plan for getting the medications they need at a reasonable cost. […]

2016 Free Flu Vaccine Clinics

Mascoma Valley Health Initiative (MVHI) and the Public Health Council of the Upper Valley are pleased to offer four FREE flu vaccine clinics in September and October this year. Annual influenza vaccination provides powerful protection to yourself, your family members, and all the people you come in contact with throughout the “flu season.” Many people agree […]

Student Interns Get Real-World Public Health Training

For the past 18 months, Emma Hartswick, one of the student interns profiled in this article, has worked with the Public Health Council as an Upper Valley Social Entrepreneurship Fellow from the Dartmouth Center for Service. She has been a real asset to our work and we look forward to having her back on staff […]

It’s Hot Outside! Reducing Heat-Related Illness

Reducing Heat-Related Illness in Older Adults As the temperature goes up, so do the risks of getting sick from being too hot. Temperatures as low as 75 F can contribute to heat-related illness, particularly among those who are active and for some people with special needs. Temperatures inside can also be much higher than temperatures […]

“Serve Local” with Upper Valley Strong

After Tropical Storm Irene, temporary Long-Term Recovery Committees popped up all across the state to help coordinate support for flood victims, and Upper Valley Strong (UVS) was one. When a localized flood hit the Upper Valley again in 2013, UVS immediately jumped in to coordinate relief efforts and support volunteers and homeowners. UVS aligned with […]

Major Updates to Website

The New Hampshire Insurance Department recently announced major consumer-oriented updates to its nationally recognized health cost transparency website, NH residents can use the website to search and compare the cost estimates of medical and dental procedures and retail prescription drug costs. Medical care can be costly, and most people may not know what they […]

Report on Climate and Health Forum

Following up on the Upper Valley Adaptation Workgroup’s recent Climate Change Impacts to Health Forum, the Valley News reported on the productive discussion and information sharing that took place during the evening. Though the event began with education around how the climate is changing in our region, presenter Erich Osterberg, a climatologist at Dartmouth College, […]