Our Mission is to improve the health of Upper Valley residents through shared public health initiatives and services within a network of community stakeholders.
Email: info@uvpublichealth.org
Or Call: 603.523.7100
One Court Street, #365
Lebanon, NH 03766
ParentUpVT.org Helps Start Discussions about Substance Misuse
/by Alice ElyApril is Alcohol Awareness Month Editorial Note: This press release is reposted with permission of the VT Department of Health. For more details of substance misuse prevention and related work in the Upper Valley, please visit Upper Valley All Together. The State of NH also hosts a very effective website, full of information and resources, […]
Latest County Health Rankings Released
/by Alice ElyGrafton County, NH and Windsor County, VT featured in Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s 8th Annual County Health Rankings Lebanon, NH and White River Junction, VT– Grafton County and Windsor County ranked favorably in numerous categories according to the eighth annual County Health Rankings, recently released by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the University […]
Transforming Behavioral Health Care Across New Hampshire
/by Alice ElyOn January 25th, about 75 individuals came together from across Region 1 to kick-off the next five months of work to begin transforming behavioral health care for our Medicaid enrolled residents. Through hands-on, small group exercises, teams worked together to discuss opportunities, challenges and goals of our region as we partner in driving integration, improving […]
Upper Valley Smiles for Life Oral Health Program
/by Alice ElyFree Oral Health Screening For Adults The Public Health Council of the Upper Valley received funding from Dartmouth-Hitchcock Community Health to launch an oral health pilot project. What is unique about this program, and the Ottauquechee Health Foundation’s Smiles Program, upon which it is modeled, is services are provided in community settings. The program is […]
Naloxone in NH (& the Upper Valley): Anyone. Anytime.
/by Alice Ely(Reprinted with permission from the NH Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services Monthly Brief, February 2017. Adapted to include information from the Upper Valley Public Health Region.) For thousands of Granite Staters the opioid overdose-reversing medication naloxone (commonly called Narcan) has literally meant the difference between life and death. This life-saving medication has prevented people […]
PHC Grateful for Flu Clinic Help
/by Alice ElyWe are extremely fortunate that the Upper Valley has many people and organizations who work together to make our communities healthier and better places to live, work, and play. With help from many parts of the community, the Public Health Council of the Upper Valley, the largest and broadest coalition of people and organizations that […]
MVHI Now Part of the Public Health Council of the Upper Valley
/by Emma HartswickLebanon, NH — On October 19, 2016, the Mascoma Valley Health Initiative (MVHI) became part of the Public Health Council of the Upper Valley. “This change makes the organization stronger and will help us fulfill our mission of making Upper Valley communities better and healthier places to live,” said Alice Ely, who now becomes the […]